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Get unstuck and become a lifelong learner
Welcome to the course - Get unstuck and become a lifelong learner
Getting started
Introduction & welcome (1:56)
Complete the Learning Space tracker survey
Why should we learn about learning? (1:48)
When learning works! (0:29)
When learning stops! (0:32)
What gets you stuck when learning? (3:16)
The impact of not learning (0:58)
What are my learning roadblocks and what can I do about it? (6:29)
Module 1: Every human can learn
Module overview and worksheet
My experiences with learning (1:17)
A learning analogy (1:06)
A definition of learning (2:29)
The process of improving learning potential (5:54)
A summary (1:10)
Module 2: My learning space tracker
Module overview and access your report
My personal insights (1:26)
The patterns and stories of others (6:10)
Assess the impact of my current learning approach (0:39)
What do I need to change? (0:28)
A summary (0:43)
Module 3: A plan to improve my learning potential
Module overview and worksheet
What have I learned about myself? (0:54)
Key learning concepts revised (2:33)
My take-away facts (0:26)
How I can make a difference in my own learning world (0:23)
A summary (0:57)
Module 4: Taking action to improve my learning
Module overview and worksheet (0:27)
What is a STARR strategy? (7:29)
Time to test it (1:12)
Don't delay - what can you action right away? (0:57)
Make a date to evaluate (1:01)
Recognise your results (1:29)
Summarise & think about the future
Time to wrap up (2:35)
Feedback helps us learn and grow
Why should we learn about learning?
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